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Have You Been Receiving Aggressive Collection Letters From the IRS?

We help Scottsdale, AZ area residents navigate the IRS tax collection process

If you forgot to file your tax return, were unable to pay your taxes when you filed or owe taxes from an audit, you may be facing the IRS tax collection process. You don’t have to navigate the tax collection process alone when you turn to Tax Mojo. We can negotiate with the IRS collections department on your behalf when you hire our tax expert in Scottsdale, AZ.

Don’t stress over unpaid taxes. Call 602-899-5872 now to schedule a no-cost, 15-minute consultation.

Working with a tax expert to navigate the IRS tax collection process can help you avoid stressful collection methods. If you fail to pay your IRS debt, they may:

Learn more about the IRS’s tax collection methods

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Issue a federal tax lien on your property

Place a levy on your property

Issue fines and penalties

Pursue criminal liability

 Installment Agreements

An installment agreement is a payment plan with the IRS. This is an agreement with the IRS to pay the taxes you owe in an extended time frame. Tax Mojo can assist you in requesting and negotiating an installment agreement, as well as collecting the right documents to provide the IRS in order to instate an installment agreement that works best for you and your financial situation.

We Assist With Negotiating Tax Debt With The IRS

An offer in compromise (OIC) is a program provided by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) in the United States. It allows taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount they owe.

To qualify for an offer in compromise, taxpayers must demonstrate that they are unable to pay their tax debt in full within a reasonable time frame. They need to provide detailed financial information to the IRS to support their claim of financial hardship.


The IRS will assess the taxpayer's ability to pay based on factors such as:

  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Asset equity
  • Future earning potential

It's essential to note that the IRS evaluates each offer on a case-by-case basis, and not all offers are accepted. Submitting an offer in compromise can be a complex process, so contact us today so that we can help with the process.

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