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Navigate the Tax Audit Process With Confidence

Schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable tax agents in Scottsdale, AZ

You’ve come to the right place for tax audit representation. Tax Mojo works with Scottsdale, AZ area residents and their attorneys to dispute matters with the IRS and foreign tax agencies. In many cases, our advocacy has helped taxpayers get their requests approved.

If you believe the IRS or a foreign agency made a mistake when auditing your tax return, reach out today to speak with a tax agent for 15 minutes at no charge.

Correctly filing your taxes is the best way to avoid an IRS audit, but it will never completely eliminate the chance of a random audit. If the IRS notices something out of the ordinary with your tax return, they’re more likely to conduct an audit. The IRS may conduct an audit if:

It’s common for taxpayers to owe more money after an audit

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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You fail to report your income

There are calculation errors on your taxes

There are mainly round numbers in your tax return

You deduct excessive business-related expenses

You claim excessive charitable donations

You make large deductions for your at-home office

We’ll help you navigate the audit process so you don’t have to worry. Call 602-899-5872 now to find out how you can benefit from tax audit representation in the Scottsdale, AZ area.

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